Manual handling can involve the lifting , carrying, pushing and pulling of any items within the workplace and effects every one at work. Manual handling still accounts for a large percentage of work place injuries and illness especially where organisations choose to ignore staff concerns about manual handling or fail to put into place sufficient controls to prevent such injuries occurring. The consequences of this ignorance or complacency can be costly, both to the organisation and to those affected. Lost earnings, higher insurance, poor productivity and possible compensation are some of the potential issues faced.
However, with a sound knowledge of the workplace issues your employees face and with selective manual handling training a lot of these injuries can be avoided. By conducting an effective Manual handling risk assessment of the workplace and providing your staff with Manual handling awareness and training, including the associated ergonomics to their work, will all benefit your organisation Health and Safety and ensure the safeguard of your employees.
Our Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Principles & Practices ensures that managers and staff nominated to fulfil health and safety positions are properly trained to recognise the potential hazards and risks involved in manual handling and to identify those employees at risk who carry out these tasks. It is vital that employees in these roles use the correct manual handling techniques and adhere the company's procedures in order to remain safe and comply with current legislation. Don't delay - book today to ensure that both your organisation and your staff are protected.